Northern Tablelands
Orienteering Club
Armidale, NSW, Australia

The easiest way to get started is to come along to an event - preferably one that has an easy or very easy course advertised.

Come by yourself, bring a friend or the family. You should wear sensible clothing for walking in the bush (sneakers are fine), money for the entry fee and a hat, sunscreen and water if the weather is warm.

Come anytime between the times stated in the event calendar (normally 10 am to 12 noon).

You do NOT need a compass for the beginners courses.

Let the person in charge of the event know that you are new to orienteering. They will organise for someone to show you the procedure.

At the event, once the entry fee is paid, you will be supplied with a map with the course control points marked on it (sometimes you will have to mark control points on from a master map) and a description of the control points e.g. termite mound 1.2 metres high.

When you are ready you start at a given time, navigate the course and a time is recorded on your return. Typically the beginners courses take about 30 minutes. Long difficult courses can take up to 90 minutes.

At the end of the event, for safety reasons, the organiser checks that everyone that started has returned.

Bring a packed lunch if you would like to enjoy a bush picnic after completing your course.

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